after months and months of prayer and conversation, we have decided to adopt a baby girl from china!!! lemme give you a sec to pick yourself up off the floor. . . (tic tok, tic tok). you ok now?? i know. . . it's SHOCKING news to many of you, but believe me. . . we are THRILLED! (and a little nervous). kevin and i have been talking about this for sooooo long, and then we committed to just seriously pray about it. i'm telling you God has a BIG plan for us for for our little girl and only HE could bring this into being. later, i'll explain to you how/why we came to this decision. for now, though, here are a few answers to questions we are getting:
~no, we don't know who she is yet. we have to do lots of paperwork and "official" stuff FIRST and then wait on a match
~she could be between 1~3 years of age when we get her
~we WILL have to travel to china to pick her up
~ she will come from an orphanage (most likely)
~she will have mild medical needs that could possibly be corrected/easily managed here in the US
~yes, our boys are SO EXCITED!!!
so. . . we also have chosen a name for her. . .LANE. please pray for LANE as she waits for us to come for her. please pray for us as we take all the necessary steps to do so. thank you and God bless~~
"a father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families. . . " psalm 68:5~6
I Am Not Freaking Out about The Freakin' Scale
7 years ago