Sunday, May 6, 2012

tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!

so today we traveled by train to guanghzou, china...from hong kong, and we'll remain here for the rest of our trip.  it was a crazy day to say the least.  maaneuvering ourselves, the boys, and umpteen dozen bags to the train station was chaotic.  then we went thru customs....again.  seems like every time i turn around we're going thru customs somewhere.  HA!!  i have to say that i truly believe God sent us two the form of an awesome couple from help and encourage us.  we actually met them briefly yesterday and enjoyed chatting.  they had just come off a long cruise, and stopped by hong kong before traveling back to their own home.  we told them the reason behind our trip and they were soooooo supportive and sweet about it.  they were extremely comfortable with the boys, who were acting pretty wild.  it's so refreshing to be around people who enjoy children, and since we've been here we've felt this need to always be shushing them b/c people stare and point often.  so anyway, today Peter and Rinky met us down in the lobby and helped us carry ALL OUR LUGGGAGE to the train station.  i hugged rinky's neck and almost cried when they walked away.  seriously!  it felt a little bit like home to be around them :O)

now we're settled in the hotel, and i've put the boys to bed.  tomorrow i'll be putting three down, because tomorrow is the day we get Lane!!!  it's so hard to imagine that it's finally here.  i know the day will be busy and crazy b/c lots of families get their children at the same time.  i'm praying for peace admist the chaos....for us and for Lane.  We've loved her from afar for quite some time now, but of course we will be complete strangers to her.  i'm hoping kevin and the boys can turn on a little "southern charm" :)

i'll post a picture for yall as soon as i can.  Again, we can't even BEGIN to tell you how much your encouraging words, thoughts and prayers mean to us.
